

Welcome to my corner of the World Wide Web!  I hope you enjoy my family recipes, projects and musings.

I am a wife, daughter, sister, mother.

I am not an open book, though I strive to get to know others in deep and meaningful relationships.  I love deeply and I desire to be loved deeply.

I love God, and I'm figuring out how to do that differently than I ever have before.  I am letting go of all the shoulds and musts, and holding my certainties with an open hand and an open heart, knowing that God is good.

Singing brings joy to my heart.

A good book is a balm.

I desire to love my children well and pass to them the things that I know and urge them to learn all the more.  I strive for them to find meaning in this short life so that they might have peace and joy in their hearts.

I am blessed by a uniquely wonderful husband without whom I would not be who I am today.  He is truly my partner on this journey.


Image by Pippalunacy

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