
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

String Eggs

During this pandemic quarantine we have to find things to do.  One of those things can be making masks.  It's a worthy and useful thing to do.  If I'm honest, though, I like to add in some other things just for the pure fun of it!

I have a back-stock of craft activities and supplies, so I'm well prepared!  I made these eggs with my son one year with his homeschool group but we used yarn that time.  To put it bluntly, yarn was not the best option.  

I can't remember if we used decoupage medium the last time, but this time we used diluted Elmer's glue.  There is no specific ratio, just enough water to thin the glue to a slightly thinner consistency that will not stick in clumps to the string and a bit of salt to prevent molding.

So I mixed up some diluted glue and salt, and the kids and I blew up some water balloons and we got started.  All we did was dip the string into the glue, pinched our fingers and ran them down the string to take off the excess glue, and wrapped the string randomly.

I strung up a clothesline between rooms to dry the eggs. While it was certainly a slight hazard (LOL!), it made a great spot to dry our creations.  We dried them overnight and the kids were anxious to pop the balloons right when they got up in the morning.  

I was a little disappointed at how they came out.  You can see from the pictures that there is a lot of glue left behind.  I tried picking it out with tweezers but, yeah, after a couple minutes I was all set with that!  

They look cute piled in this Easter basket.  You could use them as a nice centerpiece for your table.  In the end, though, I decided to string them back up and hang them from the doorway.  They look adorable and they aren't close enough to pick at their imperfections.

With everything going on right now with COVID 19, it's nice to see a little festivity.  Easter is coming this weekend and it's sad to me that we can't spend it with others.  I will miss our choir cantata and family celebrations complete with ham and Easter egg hunts.  

We will do our own thing this year and it will still be fun.  We will have a turkey and candy and do an Easter egg hunt.  We will do some more crafts and still have a good time.

It's just funny.  For years I have thought of myself as an introvert, and I still think that's true.  But I realize getting out and being around people is vital to the human spirit.  I'm glad I have my family around even if the kids drive me nuts!

Here is a link if you'd like more detailed instructions.  Happy crafting!

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