
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Your Questions Answered

Yesterday I asked if you had any questions.  You did!  Today I answer them.  I think I can squeeze most of them in, so let's get started!

Q.  What made me start my blog?

A.  Around the year 2000 I wrote for a page called DyingDays.  It was a site around before blogs were popular.  There were about 10 writers and we shared pieces that gave insight into our lives.  It was mostly spiritual and reflective, but non-religious.  It was a lot of fun.

In 2009 I began my first blog, Just Jill: Thoughts From A Curious Mind.  It's still out there in the ether, ha!  I had a lot on my mind and I really wanted to write about it.  Looking back, that was probably when I started my spiritual seeking.  I lacked discipline, however, and some of the things I wrote about didn't have real insight.  Besides that, there was no real unity of purpose.  It was just whatever came to mind.  I don't regret it, because you have to take a step to start on the journey.  I think that's what that was.

In 2012 I decided to start this blog.  But this time I wanted to do it with purpose.  I picked things that I was good at and enjoyed so that I would keep up with it.  If you look through the timeline on the side, you'll see some dry periods, but I have always come back.  I really enjoy writing and having a clear focus has helped me to continue writing.  I also like to look back.  This blog is a photo album or scrapbook of sorts.

As a sidenote, in between and during all this I attempted a novel and a short story with some other garbage thrown in for good measure.  The blog, however, was immediate and satisfying.

So long story short, I started this blog because I wanted to write.  I write what I write because I like it and there's never a shortage of material.

Q.  Why did I elect to participate in the Ultimate Blog Challenge?

A.  This summer when I challenged myself to write 30 posts in 30 days, I thought there must be some challenge in which to take part.  I scoured the internet and found two that seemed good.  I chose this one because it looked great.  There weren't any crazy rules and it seemed like it would be a lot of fun.  And it is!  Lastly, I was hoping for more traffic.  I got it and it's exciting!

Q.  Do I do my handiwork in social settings?

A.  I bring crochet when I visit friends.  They have grown to expect it.  I don't bring things to meetings, though.  I've always felt too rude, but I've wanted to!

Q.  What's the most unusual thing I've crocheted?

A.  I don't think I've made anything weird, though now I want to!  My husband jokes about crochet underwear, but I don't think I'll do it.  Then again, Christmas is coming!

Q.  What is my favorite thing to make and how often do I make it?

A.  For food, probably pizza.  I make it sometimes weekly but at least a couple times a month.  For crafts, blankets and granny squares and often blankets made of granny squares.  I'm usually working on a granny square.

So, there you have it, your questions answered.  I hope to see you all come back here even after the blog challenge ends next week.  It's been great having people to interact with on a regular basis.  Before this I think a few friends and my mom were the only readers!  While I appreciate their readership wholeheartedly, it's been so great to branch out!!

You might also like:
Finding Joy in What You Do
Autumn Blessing
The Ultimate Blog Challenge Facebook Page


  1. Great questions and answers and I liked getting to know you a little better. Crochet Underwear to funny. Pizza especially homemade is so yummy. I will be back past the challenge as I enjoy your blog a lot.

    1. Thank you! I may have to do crochet underwear just for fun! Stocking gift, perhaps? If you need a pizza crust recipe I have one in my recipe section!

  2. I, too, often write 30 posts in 30 days. But, that's so I can cull out 7 of them and choose the best to share. Oh, and I don't write 1 a day (Sorry, Bayer!), but campaign them and then let my brain recharge (and seek our new research).
    Thanks for sharing how and why you blog- and make pizza!

    1. I say write 30 in 30 days but I really mean post. I pre-write a bunch. The last one was all recipes, so that was easier than this. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. Great set of questions and answers. I like to make granny squares too. I have enough to make a blanket but they are not joined yet - I need to get that done :-)

    1. Thank you! How do you like to join them? I've only done the single crochet join so far.

  4. It's interesting to see the path that led you to this blog. My two earliest blogs are also still out there, and I still occasionally post to them as I need a home for something that won't fit the themes of any newer blogs. It's been a very long time since I've made pizza from scratch. I love it, but I'm not really supposed to include in my diet anymore. It's been fun to get to know you during the challenge.

    1. I don't think I could ever eliminate pizza entirely! And thank you, this has been fun!

  5. My heart gets happy when I see that I am in the company of writers who just know they need to write. :) I LOVE your questions and answers!

  6. Thanks for answering my question!! The blankets sound wonderful. And I do love pizza! :)

  7. Great to learn about how you started into blogging. I wasn't even computer savvy in 2000, I didn't start until 2002 when my granddaughter was in kindergarten and she knew more about computers than I did. LOL I'm so glad a 5 year old got me into computers and then my grandson in 2014 get me into blogging.

  8. I am excited that you are enjoy this Challenge and that We don't have any crazy rules and it seemed like it would be a lot of fun.

    Maybe we should institute some crazy rules! What have you seen out there?

    Be Well.

    1. Thanks, Paul! I haven't necessarily seen any crazy rules, I just knew if things were too complicated I probably wouldn't bother. Please don't institute any crazy rules, lol!

  9. I enjoyed your origin story, and now you have me thinking about crocheted underwear. So I have to share this true story: when I was in college, I crocheted a bikini (not that I could fit in one now) DON'T DO IT. DON'T EVEN THINK OF DOING IT. At least the underwear, if you attempt it, would be under your clothes.....

    1. That's awesome! I've seen all those bikinis and thought to myself, hmm, that's interesting.
