
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Free Fall Photos

When I first started my blog back in 2012, I tried to take my own photos for each of the posts.  Sometimes that just wasn't possible, though.  So I looked online to see what there was and realized that I couldn't just copy and paste photos from random sites.  You'd think I'd have known that, right?

After a little research I found out that there were sites with free usable pictures, free even without attribution.  The first site I got many pictures from was Pippalunacy.  They require no attribution, payment, or link back.  They do appreciate any of those things but do not require it.  Click here and you can see their licensing information.

Here is a picture I found from Pippalunacy of some lovely fall pear tree leaves.   All you do to get the picture is download, click and drag.  Of course you can modify it, and sometimes I do.  I have a MacBook Pro and use the download picture preview window to modify the image.  I don't have any special programs, just what my 5-year-old computer came with.  Below you'll see a modified image of the same picture.

I rarely visit Pippalunacy these days, but maybe I ought to.  If I'm not snapping my own pictures for a recipe or craft, I typically head over to Pixabay.  This site has pretty much the same rules as Pippalunacy but there are far more pictures to choose from.  Here is a picture of a nice fall image from Pixabay.

And here is a modified version of it with a link back to the original page.  It's really easy to make a few personal touches to make an image your own.  And with this free site, it's allowed!

Original here.

I would highly recommend these two sites if you need pictures for your blog.  Thank you Pippalunacy and Pixabay for this wonderful service!  When I started using pictures I thought it was too good to be true.  But it's not!  

Do you have a favorite site you use to help with blogging?  Let me know in the comment section below!

As a reminder I'm participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge.


  1. Thanks for information on those two sites. That could be pretty useful when one wants to illustrate a point on a blog.

  2. I totally love pixabey!!!! I haven't used the first site you mentioned but yes - researching where to find free cool images is so important to content creators! Love how you enhanced the photos!

  3. Great resources!! Without them, it can be pretty expensive to get the pics you need for your blog or website.

    1. Yes, and I don't generate any income from my blog, so free pictures it is!

  4. Thanks, Jill for sharing. The first site is more about flowers and butterflies but has more variety.

    Great post.

  5. I use Pixabay a lot for my book blogs and other blogs where the purpose isn't to post my original photos. I'd never heard of Pippalunacy. I'll have to check it out. Sometimes Pixabay doesn't have what I need. Then I check Morgue File, Wikipedia, and the Flickr Commons. Attribution is more tricky on those sites, so I use them as little as possible. I always try to use my own images first.

    1. Yes, I prefer my own images as well, but sometimes it's prohibitive. Pixabay is great.

  6. Jill, wow, I have never heard of Pippalunacy before. Thank you! And thanks for the reminder about Pixabay. I make a lot of quote posters, so this is really helpful.

  7. I am always looking for new sources for free pics. I will check them both out! Thanks!
