
Friday, October 13, 2017

A Summer Tribute

Ok, this BLOGtober series is supposed to be about fall, but bear with me just a minute.  Fall is the perfect time to look back on your summer adventures.  And what better way to do that than creating a wonderful memory book?  I'm not a scrapbooker, and I almost regretted starting this project after the first page.  But once I got started I was pleased that I did.

One of my goals this year was to scrapbook our photos instead of just let them float in nebulous Internet land.  This is my attempt at that.  I like to have pictures that the kids can look through, things we can leave out.  I don't like being so tied to technology anyway.  This helps with that.

We had a very eventful summer and I wanted to capture all of its (good) moments so that we could look back and see that, yes, even through the absolute chaos we had a good time!  It will remind my family and me how wonderful the summer was.  I swear it wasn't all horrible!

Don't my kids look so cool!  Funny, but I think they pull it off.  

I'm not sure if I'll do another book like this once this one is done, but it was a good challenge to my imagination and I think it's looking good so far.

So tell me, do you print pictures anymore?  I stopped for a while.  Then I made photo books using Walmart's online photo service.  Now, I'm trying it the old fashioned way.  What do you do?

I'm participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge!

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  1. I don't print pictures but I need to as I have thousands on Facebook and in my phone. So to make sure my son remembers things we did I need to make it a point and print them out. As some of them have people like my mom who isn't here any longer in them.

    1. I think I printed too many! But I'm glad I did it. My kids really enjoy the albums and photo books we have already. And I do too!

  2. I'm no longer printing photographs, but agree that I should be. It is a challenge just to keep them all backed up and saved. Good for you, keep up with the beautiful books the old fashion way!

  3. I still print, make collages of photos but should still do more. My Mum not having a computer reminds me to do it ☺️

  4. I've been trying to make a new scrap book for a few years. This is giving me incentive!

    1. Glad I could inspire you! The last scrap book I made was when my daughter was a baby.

  5. I haven't printed pic in years but had a similar idea of printing a book with room for clippings and stuff that I collected during our last couple of fun trips. Thanks for the inspiration!
