
Saturday, August 19, 2017

6 Ways to Avoid Crochet Pain

I'm not sure about you, but if I go on an all day crochet marathon, my hands stage a revolt!  Not to mention the large knot that forms between my left shoulder blade and spine.  Some might say it's time to take it easy, and they'd be right.  But that doesn't mean I can't crochet anymore.  I just have to do a few things to keep everything healthy.

Here's a list of six things you (and I) can do to keep on crocheting!

1.  Pace yourself.  Do not crochet all day every day.  Just like anything else, take periodic breaks and do something different with your muscles.  Crochet is a sedentary sport, so get off your hiney and move a little.

2.  Stretch every now and then.

3.  Massage your knots and sore muscles.  I get knots in my forearms.  A simple massage with the other hand really helps.  For knots in my back or a sore neck I call on my husband or use my handheld massager.  This really helps, but be cautious not to go overboard!

4.  Posture is key!  Check how you're sitting and see if you can improve.  Can you add a pillow behind your neck, under your arm?  If you have your elbow propped up it can really help with fatigue.

5.  Prioritize your activities.  When I spend hours on the computer, I can't crochet as long.  Or if I color in my coloring book for hours, I am not able to crochet much at all.  Any activity that involves fine motor skill is going to affect your crochet game.

6.  Take your vitamins and supplements.  This might sound like a strange thing but taking vitamins and supplements can help your joint health, which will make crocheting less painful and more enjoyable.  Deficiencies can lead to pain and that can cause more trouble with crochet.  Do a Google search and see what you come up with.  I find all my joints feel the best when I take turmeric.  I also take D, fish oil and a multivitamin.

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

30 Days 30 Recipes Wrap-Up

Spaghetti Salad
Deli Crab Salad

So, my 30 days have come and gone.  There were some good recipes and some bad recipes.  And I'll be honest, there were some good days and some bad days.  With all that I have going on in my life (don't we all!!), I wanted to quit the challenge on more than one occasion.  Yet, it was important to me to persevere, however small a goal it seemed.  I think holding through to the end taught me some important lessons.

One lesson I learned was that even when life is crazy, people still want to eat good food.  Resorting to take-out or chicken nuggets every now and then is no big deal.  But, using those things as staples is not ideal.  Having this challenge ahead of me urged me to serve a variety of food to my family and I think they, for the most part, really enjoyed it.

I also learned that I'm glad I have stuck to the old Weight Watchers FlexPoint plan.  The newer plans restrict your choices by giving "naughty foods" insanely high point values.  With smart points, sugar is "punished" so harshly that it limits some of my favorite things much more than I would like.  That's not a recipe for success in my book!  And besides, I'm doing just fine with the old plan.

Another lesson I learned was not even food related.  It was that follow through is so incredibly rewarding.  At the time of this writing I have two blog followers and a handful of other people who stop by to read.  This was for them.  But it was totally also for me!  I proved that I could do it!  I issued myself a challenge and I completed it.  I've never been one to win the gold medal or first prize trophy.  In high school and college, my coaches were always telling me to reach for my personal best.  That seemed a little silly to me, but I get it.  If I can strive to meet the goals I set for myself while also having grace for my failures, I can become a better version of me.  And this simple recipe challenge helped me do that.  I set a goal and I did it.

Not only did I learn a few lessons, I also got some really great recipes.  I will definitely be adding a good number of these to my regular menu.  The Taco Soup was great.  The simple Deli Crab Salad was far better than I expected.  The Herb-Roasted Green Beans were amazing.  And I never thought I'd enjoy a Pumpkin Butter as much as I did.

I won't list them all now because you can read my reviews by clicking the links, but trust me when I say they were mostly good. 

Either way, I hope you enjoyed this challenge as much as I did.  And I hope it inspires you to challenge yourself to try something you think might be too big or too much for this moment of your busy life.  I bet you can do more than you think.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you back here often and in especially in October for another blog challenge!!

Taco Soup
Pumpkin Butter

Cauliflower Medley
Roasted Red Pepper Dip
Parmesan Chicken Cutlets

Here are all of the recipes I reviewed.  You can click the links from the list, or the links under the pictures in this post.  

30 Days 30 Recipes

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Faux Egg McMuffin - 30 Days 30 Recipes - Day 30

Sometimes it's the simple things.

You know, I would have never thought to write a recipe for an egg sandwich.  It's something I make all the time.  I've even made them just as this recipe suggests, so I already knew what to expect....yummy goodness.

I'm not a sweet-eater in the morning.  I prefer eggs, or even leftovers from last night's supper.  So this recipe is a great option for quick and easy morning fare.

I view this recipe as more inspiration than pure instruction.  You can take your own angle on it.  Use Swiss or American cheese.  Use ham or turkey bacon or nothing.  It doesn't matter.  It's all delicious!

On that note, I hope you enjoy this last recipe review in the 30 Days 30 Recipes Challenge!

Find this recipe on page 24: 100 Favorite Weight Watchers Recipes.

Taste Score - 10
Ease of Preparation Score - 10

Faux Egg McMuffin


1 english muffin

1/4 cup egg beaters
1 slice 2% cheese
1 slice Canadian bacon (optional)

Place an english muffin in the toaster.  Spray a large mug with nonstick spray.  Place Canadian bacon on bottom of mug.  Pour 1/4 cup of egg beaters on top of bacon and microwave 1-1.5 minutes.  Remove from microwave and add cheese.  Once english muffin is toasted, remove and scoop egg, bacon and cheese onto muffin.

Voila!  Egg McMuffin a la home!

Nutrition Information
Serves 1
1 serving =
253 calories
5 grams fat
28 grams carb
2 grams fiber 23 grams protein

Weight Watchers POINTS - 5
Weight Watchers Points Plus - 6
Weight Watchers Smart Points - 7

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30 Days 30 Recipes

Monday, August 7, 2017

Zucchini Sticks - 30 Days 30 Recipes - Day 29

This recipe is a keeper.  While I don't think the flavor profile is quite perfect, it was a great way to serve zucchini.  Sometimes when it comes to this summer vegetable, I resort to the same old same old.  These zucchini sticks mixed it up just enough.  I ate almost the entire recipe myself for lunch if that says anything!  I do think that I would swap out the chili powder and use paprika like I did in the Parmesan Chicken Cutlets.  I also would probably just coat them in 1 teaspoon of olive oil and not the egg.  Just my two cents.  Those small changes would probably make these just perfect.

The original recipe can be found on page : 100 Favorite Weight Watchers Recipes.

Taste Score - 8

Ease of Preparation Score  -8

Zucchini Sticks


1 zucchini

3 tablespoons Italian Seasoned bread crumbs
1 tablespoon parmesan cheese
1 egg white
a few shakes of  chili powder
a few shakes of salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and coat a baking sheet with nonstick spray.  Cut zucchini into sticks.  Coat with egg white.  Shake salt, pepper and chili powder onto zucchini.  Stir well.  Put bread crumbs in a baggie.  Put zucchini sticks in baggie, a few at a time and coat with bread crumbs.  Lay flat on baking sheet and sprinkle with parmesan.  Bake for 20 minutes.  Broil for two minute to make crispy.

Nutrition Information:

Serves 2
1 serving =
105 calories
3 grams fat
11 grams carb
2 grams fiber
8 grams protein

Weight Watchers POINTS - 2
Weight Watchers Points Plus - 2
Weight Watchers Smart Points - 3

All nutrition information is approximate and calculated using

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30 Days 30 Recipes

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Garlic Mashed Potatoes - 30 Days 30 Recipes - Day 28

This recipe said to add the garlic right into the pot with the potatoes.  I would never have thought to boil it that way, but it really did make a difference.  I would add salt to the water next time, but that's probably the only change.  For the low amount of fat in this recipe, there is definitely a lot of flavor.

I served these potatoes with the recipe I reviewed just yesterday, Hamburger Stroganoff.  I took liberty with that recipe, but this one I left mostly unaltered.  The original recipe did recommend using a mixer, but I saw no need.  A few lumps are just fine with me!

Try it out and see if you like it.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Find the original recipe on page 3: 100 Favorite Weight Watchers Recipes.

Taste Score - 8
Ease of Preparation Score - 8

Garlic Mashed Potatoes


2 pounds potatoes, peeled and cubed

4 large garlic cloves, peeled and halved
1/4 cup fat free sour cream
2 tablespoons skim milk
1 tablespoon reduced calorie margarine
salt and pepper to taste

Place potatoes and garlic in a large pot and cover with water.  Bring to a boil.  Cover and reduce heat.  Simmer for 20 minutes or until tender.  Mash then add remaining ingredients.

Nutrition Information
Serves 4
1 serving =
184 calories
2 grams fat
39 grams carb
5 grams fiber
5 grams protein

Weight Watchers POINTS - 3
Weight Watchers Points Plus - 5
Weight Watchers Smart Points - 6

Nutrition information is approximate and calculated using

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30 Days 30 Recipes

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hamburger Stroganoff - 30 Days 30 Recipes - Day 27

Ok, so I concede that the title of this recipe is a bit deceiving considering I used ground turkey.  We had already had the Taco Soup earlier in the week, and that was great.  I like to limit our beef intake, however, so this one got poultry.

But the real question is, did this recipe measure up?  For sure.  It's a good one.  I would make it again, but maybe try my own "cream of" soup mix like I mentioned in an earlier post.  I say, give this one a try if you're looking for a simple supper that most anyone would like.

Find the original recipe on page 6: 100 Favorite Weight Watchers Recipes

Taste Score - 8
Ease of Preparation Score - 9

Hamburger Stroganoff


8 ounces lean ground beef (ground turkey is great, too!)
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 cups cooked egg noodles* (or skip and serve over potatoes) 
10.75 ounce can 98% fat free cream of mushroom soup
1 can sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup low fat sour cream
salt and pepper to taste

Brown beef, and onion. Drain fat.  Stir in cooked noodles, soup, mushrooms, salt, and pepper.  Simmer for 5-10 minutes.  Remove from heat and stir in sour cream.  Serve on top of mashed potatoes or egg noodles.

*I took liberty and used mashed potatoes!  The nutrition information reflects the original recipe, however.

Nutrition Information:
Serves 4
1 serving =
280 calories
9 grams fat
26 grams carb
2 grams fiber
23 grams protein

Weight Watchers POINTS - 6
Weight Watchers Points Plus - 7
Weight Watchers Smart Points - 8

All nutrition information is approximate and is calculated using

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30 Days 30 Recipes

Friday, August 4, 2017

Deli Crab Salad - 30 Days 30 Recipes - Day 26

Day 26?  Really?  It somehow feels like I've just started this challenge and simultaneously have been doing it forever.  It's weird.

Today's recipe is a crab salad that, like the pasta salad, I was reluctant to try.  I'm so glad I did, though.  It is very tasty and I definitely want to make it again.  Initially I thought the addition of mustard to a seafood salad would be weird.  Boy was I wrong!  It totally made the flavor perfect.

If you are a seafood lover and want to mix it up, give this salad a go.  I liked it and I hope you will too!

Original recipe found on page 2: 100 Favorite Weight Watchers Recipes.

Taste Score - 8
Ease of Preparation Score - 10

Seafood Salad


6 ounces imitation crab meat
2 tablespoons light mayonnaise
green onions (I used 2)
1/4 cup fat free sour cream
1/2 to 1 teaspoon yellow mustard
onion powder, to taste
salt and pepper, to taste
1 cup cooked macaroni noodles, cold

Chop crab meat and green onions.  Mix.  Add remaining ingredients and mix well.  Chill and serve.

Nutrition Information:
Serves 2
1 serving =
324 calories
6 grams fat
53 grams carb
2 grams fiber
13 grams protein

Weight Watchers POINTS - 7
Weight Watchers Points Plus - 8
Weight Watchers Smart Points - 10

Nutrition information is approximate and is calculated using

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Spaghetti Salad - 30 Days 30 Recipes - Day 25

It's getting close to the end of the challenge and it's a little hard to choose what to make.  To be honest, when I decided to make this recipe I didn't have high hopes.  It was just another pasta salad.  It didn't seem like anything special.  But...I wanted to follow through and make 30 recipes, so I decided just to give it a go.

I'm glad I did.

This recipe was a nice twist on your average Italian dressing-based pasta salad.  The Rotel tomatoes added just enough zip to make it unique.  I'm quite sure I'll make it again.  It was easy and tasty, my favorite combination!

Go ahead and give this recipe a try.  I know you won't be disappointed.

You can find the original recipe found on page 32: 100 Favorite Weight Watchers Recipes.

Taste Score - 8
Ease of Preparation Score - 9

Spaghetti Salad


8 ounces think spaghetti, cooked
1 can Rotel tomatoes
1 small can sliced olives (I used 1/2 can of regular and slice them myself)
1 small onion, chopped
1/2 green pepper, chopped
1/2 cup fat free Italian salad dressing

Mix all ingredients together.  Chill and serve.

Nutrition Information:
Serves 5
1 serving =
167 calories
2 grams fat
32 grams carb
1.5 grams fiber
6 grams protein

Weight Watcher POINTS - 3
Weight Watchers Points Plus - 4
Weight Watchers Smart Points - 5

Nutrition information is approximate and is calculated using

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30 Days 30 Recipes

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Taco Soup - 30 Days 30 Recipes - Day 24

This recipe was so easy to prepare!  After browning the onions and beef the only thing I had to do was open and dump cans and packages.  And as easy as it was, it tasted great!  I highly recommend trying this soup if you like tacos or chili.  In fact, I think Taco Chili would be a more apt name, as it is hardly soupy.

The only negative feedback I got on this one was that it was a little spicy.  My husband is not a spice fan.  He did say, though, that the flavor, including the aftertaste, was very nice.  I thought the flavor profile was perfect, but if you want to tone down the spice factor, swap out the chili beans and just use your favorite unseasoned bean instead.

Original Recipe can be found on page 33: 100 Favorite Weight Watchers Recipes.

Taste Score - 10
Ease of Preparation Score - 10

Taco Soup


1 pound ground beef
1 large onion, chopped
1 package taco seasoning mix
1 package Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing mix
1 can pinto beans, drained
1 can chili beans, NOT drained
1 can corn, drained
1 can Rotel tomatoes, NOT drained
1 can stewed tomatoes, NOT drained

Brown beef and onion.  Drain fat.  Add remaining ingredients and heat through.

Nutrition information:
Serves 8
1 serving =
247 calories
7 grams fat
24 grams carb
7 grams fiber
25 grams protein

Weight Watchers POINTS - 5
Weight Watchers Points Plus - 6
Weight Watchers Smart Points - 6

All nutrition information is approximate and is calculated using

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30 Days 30 Recipes

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Herb-Roasted Green Beans - 30 Days 30 Recipes Day 23

I usually don't spring for fresh green beans when frozen will do just fine.  Frozen are less than half the price and they actually have more nutrients than fresh green beans that have been sitting on the shelf a while.  That said, I got the fresh ones this time.  I wanted them to roast nicely without any sogginess.

And roast nicely they did!  These green beans were amazing!  It cost me over five dollars just to make this side dish, but I don't even care.  I will definitely be making these again.  They were so good.  Everyone liked them.

If you have a picky eater in the house, try roasting some veggies.  They aren't pretty, but if your picky eater can get past the look they will be pleasantly surprised.

Make these!

Recipe can be found on page 34: 100 Favorite Weight Watchers Recipes.

Taste Score -10
Ease of Preparation Score -9

Herb Roasted Green Beans


2 pounds fresh green beans
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 packet Good Season's dry Italian Dressing mix
2 Tablespoons parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.   Snap ends off green beans and place in a large bowl.  Sprinkle on olive oil, dressing mix and cheese.  Bake for 45 minutes or until tender.

*The original recipe said to blanch, but I intentionally did not.  I know from experience that roasting vegetables cooks them up very nicely.  The blanching seemed unnecessary.

Nutrition Information
Serves 4
1 serving =
103 calories
3 grams fat
16 grams carb
7 grams fiber
6 grams protein

Weight Watchers POINTS - 1
Weight Watchers Points Plus - 1
Weight Watchers Smart Points - 1

*to calculate points I removed green beans from the recipe calculator, as green beans are free on all three plans.

All nutrition information is approximate and is calculated using

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