
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Granny Stitch Slouch Hats

Green, peach and white Granny Stitch Slouch Hat

After finishing two blankets, I was ready to tackle something smaller and more immediately rewarding. So, like any modern crafter, I opened Pinterest and got to searching.  I came upon this free pattern and gave it a go.  The pattern was relatively easy.  The ribbing might be challenging for a beginner, but it was not impossibly difficult.

On my head, the hats wear like a slouch hats.  If you have a larger head they might fit more like classic winter hats.  I think they turned out cute.  Now to decide if I keep them or give them away!  They work up so quick that maybe I can just make a bunch.

Just a photo of me to show how it fits

I got my pattern from a link on Pinterest. Here's the link again.  The original pattern called for more colors, but I liked the look of three.  Also the more colors you add, the more ends you have to sew in when you're finished.

Blue, yellow and white Granny Stitch Slouch Hat

The first hat I tried with this pattern (not pictured) was a total fail.  It was a very cute pink, white and green one, but I didn't carry the yarn up through the pattern properly, and when I cut the yarn to sew it at the end, I picked the wrong spot and it all just unraveled.  Talk about FRUSTRATING!  Oh well, I decided to give it another go and I'm glad I did.  

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  1. Looks cute and fun to do the grandkids that loose hats daily. Can do team colors. That's for sharing
