
Friday, November 27, 2015

Recipe - Easiest Homemade Pancake Syrup

So, I know some of you will insist on real maple syrup.  I get it.  It's natural, delicious and truly cannot be copied.  However, if you're looking for a cheap alternative that's easy and still yummy you should try this.  I bought the bottle of extract for less than $4 at Walmart and it's taken me over a year to use even three quarters of it.

Pancake Syrup
This recipe comes off of the back of the Watkins Imitation Maple Extract box.


1 cups boiling water
2 cups white sugar
1/2 teaspoon imitation maple extract

Bring water to boil in a medium pot.  Add sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved.  Remove from heat and stir in extract.  

The box suggests serving warm, but I typically let the syrup cool and pour it into an old syrup bottle with the help of a funnel.

If you're not into the fake stuff, I've heard of people who will make the simple syrup and instead of adding maple extract, they add real maple syrup.  If you have done this, please comment below!  I'd love to hear your results.

This syrup goes wonderfully with Mom's Pancakes!

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