
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cloth Napkins

I spend far more time than I probably should on Pinterest.  In my defense, I have come across some really great ideas that have sparked my creativity.  This is one of those ideas.  So, I was on Pinterest looking for tips on being frugal and in one of the little squares a picture for cloth napkins appeared.  I clicked the link, became more interested and actively searched for more pins on napkins.  In just a few short minutes I was inspired!

I walked to my craft room and dug through my fabric, some of which had been sitting there for close to 10 years.   The fabrics I chose appear to be cotton blends.  Then I got out my pathetically dull scissors and went to town.  I cut up long lengths of fabric into napkin-sized squares.  I did this by using another cloth napkin that I had in the closet as a guide. I ended up with over 20 rectangular pieces of fabric that would soon be napkins.

Next, I ironed and pinned down the seams so that they would be easy to sew.  I folded them so that no rough edges would show.

Then I took out my sewing machine, which buy the way, I think is the easiest machine ever!  The task I have the most trouble with is the bobbin, and this bobbin threads automatically after you load it and begin sewing.  Major score!  Anyway, I began sewing up the edges and these pretty napkins are the result.

Unfortunately I did not do a step-by-step tutorial.  I'm still a little bit of a newbie at sewing.  In the
future I may be able to do more of a lesson, but this is more of an idea that will hopefully be an inspiration for someone else.

My family really has been enjoying these napkins.  I haven't been laundering them in any special way, just throwing them in with a load of towels and folding them back up once they've been washed.  They are ironed in the picture here, but I don't iron them regularly, just fold them.  

Because I have so many it's tough to run out, but I still have some paper napkins as a back-up for when we do run out or have company.  I have a bunch more I'm working on that are ironed, pinned and ready to go.  I may make seasonal napkins in the future.  If I do, I'll let you know.

These napkins are great for a gift and as a bonus, they save you money!


  1. This really is a good idea, especially since you had the fabric already!

  2. I should do that. I certainly have enough fabric....

  3. Thanks, Heidi!

    And mom, go for it, it's so easy. It's just a lot of ironing, but you mind that a lot less than me…lol. My plan is to visit the fabric store and get some fall fabrics for some seasonal napkins. These might even make nice gifts along with a table cloth. Ideas, ideas….

  4. I love this, Jill! We are looking for ways to be more frugal as well- I wish I had a functional sewing machine!
