
Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I'm not what you would call a top-notch cake decorator, but I have to say that I have fun designing cakes for birthdays and other occasions.  For an amateur I don't think they're half bad.  I apologize for some of the shoddy pictures. I'll try to be better about taking higher quality pictures in the future.

This was a cake that I made for Lillian's first birthday. It's a pink castle that somehow looks a bit Russian to me.

This cake was from Evan's fourth birthday.  We had a camping theme and I have to say that it was probably our family's favorite.

This cake was made for a friend of mine for their baptism.  The picture leaves something to be desired, but you can see I learned how to make roses.

This monkey cake was for Evan and is one of my favorites. It was also one of the easiest ones I've done.

Lilli requested a purple princess cake so I thought this fit the bill.  Too bad I didn't have a purple crown.

This is another of Evan's cakes.  As you can see it was for a dinosaur-themed party. 

This cake was another one I did for a baptism. It was for the same family, different person. I  liked the swirly purple cross, so I went for a swirly blue one this time.

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