
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kale Chips

Kale Chips.  They seem to be all the rage, and really, they are delicious!  I love Kale Chips and so does my daughter.  My husband and son are not interested, but that's OK with me!  That just means more for my daughter and I.  These chips are very easy to make.  I just buy a bag of washed and cut kale for about $2.50.  It's a huge bag so it really seems like a great buy. I bought mine at Wal-Mart.

In addition to the kale, you'll need olive oil (extra virgin or regular), salt and a big bowl.

I preheated my oven to 375.  Next, I put about six or seven cups of kale in my large bowl.  You will have to remove the ribs from the kale if you want it to cook evenly.  Then I stirred in just enough olive oil to coat the leaves.

I then spread the leaves on a nonstick baking sheet and sprinkled with salt.

After about 15 minutes in the oven, the chips were done and they lasted about an hour...if that.  

Kale Chips


6-7 cups kale, washed, dried and ribs removed
1-2 TBS olive oil

Preheat oven to 375.  Mix kale with olive oil to coat.  Then spread evenly on nonstick baking sheet.  Bake for 10-15 minutes or until crispy.  Be sure to watch the kale as you don't want it to burn.

*These are also very good with seasoned salt, my favorite being Goya Adobo.


  1. Remember Lilli called them "Mimi's chicken" when she had it at my house a couple yrs ago? It cracked me up.
