
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Deviled Chicks

I originally saw this recipe in a magazine (Deviled Egg Chicks) and also in a link from an email my mom sent me.  I decided that since the kids had their fun dying Easter eggs earlier, it was my turn to have fun making this delicious snack for tomorrow.

After my eggs had been hard boiled and cooled, I cut them in a zig-zag pattern.  Next I scooped out the yolk and put it into a bowl. I found the using my fingers was the easiest way to get the yolk out without damaging the egg. I did have a few casualties anyway.  I then mixed up the yolks with some mustard, seasoned salt and mayo.  I put the mix in a pastry bag with a star tip and put it aside.


 For the beaks, I used my julienne peeler and cut a few strips from a carrot.  These I chopped into pieces small enough for the beaks.

I cut up black olives into small pieces and used them as the eyes.  

And here are the results.  I think they came out pretty cute!

Recipe for filling


Yolks from 12 eggs
A generous scoop of mayonnaise
A squirt of mustard
A shake of seasoned salt - I like to use Goya Adobo as it's tasty and contains no MSG

Break up the yolks thoroughly with a fork.  Then add remaining ingredients and stir with a fork until smooth.  Fill a piping bag topped with the star tip and pipe into egg halves.

*Be careful not to make my mistake and add too much salt.  I always do that, ugh!  One or two shakes would be sufficient.

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